21 Fake Characters Who Went To Real Colleges

Published on 11/24/2016

You’ve heard of the big league colleges like Brown, Yale, Colombia, Harvard and plenty other fancy schools all over America. But do you know which of your favorite fictional charters attended these very real colleges? Don’t fret, we’ve conjured up a pretty hefty list of our favorite fictional characters and their alma maters.

Andy Bernard – Cornell University

How could we ever forget the wonderful and brilliant Andy Bernard from The Office, oh that’s right, we will never forget him. He’s forever in our hearts. Andy went to Cornell, folks, ever heard of it? Andy bleeds big red through and through. And let’s not forget that he sang for Cornell’s A Capella group, Here Comes Treble!

Andy Bernard

Andy Bernard


Olivia Pope – Georgetown University

Of course our girl Olivia Pope from Scandal went to Georgetown’s Law School, duh, she’s incredible. Oh yah, she went to Princeton for her undergrad which only makes her one kick ass woman. I wonder if that’s where she learned her stone-cold, “it’s handled” attitude? Pretty sure she couldn’t have gotten where she did if she went to online colleges…but then again, Olivia Pope can do just about anything.

Olivia Pope

Olivia Pope