30+ Funny Bumper Stickers: Honk If You’re Laughing

Published on 06/13/2024

Honestly, Same

We are frequently forced to perform tasks that we do not wish to perform as grownups. Activities such as going to work, cleaning the house, paying the bills, and driving a massive equipment on the road each and every day are examples of such activities. While this is going on, we would much prefer be relaxing in bed, drinking with our pals, or, like this driver, simply going line dancing. Whoever possesses this bumper sticker is someone who does not shy away from calling things by their proper names. Thanks are in order.

Honestly, Same

Honestly, Same


Check Out the Back

Simply taking a look at the back of a person’s automobile can provide you with a wealth of information about that person. Take for instance this particular driver. We are aware that he hails from Boulder, Colorado, and that he is no longer interested in his ex-wife, but that he has a strong affection for Michael Cera. In addition to this, we are aware that he is a self-proclaimed poor driver and that he has a daughter. Essentially, it is a whole biography that is presented in the guise of a commercial vehicle.

Check Out The Back

Check Out The Back