You may have heard the idea that we all respond best to different styles of learning. Many studies have suggested that when it comes to effectively retaining information, different individuals are usually drawn to a specific approach. So, let’s take a further look into the 5 types of learners to help you figure out what kind of learner you are.

5 Types of Learners: What Kind of Learner Are You?
Auditory (otherwise known as aural or musical) learners prefer to hear information so they can fully understand concepts. Additionally, this learning style in which individuals learn best is through hearing directions and people speaking. This means that these learners typically prefer listening to lectures or online classes rather than taking pages of notes. They may also read things out loud to help better understand the material. A great yet simple example of auditory learners is when they need to memorize a phone number, an auditory learner will say it out loud first and take note (in their brain) of how it sounded to remember it.
Visual or spatial learners usually retain information best by viewing pictures or images. They also tend to respond well to colors and mind maps. Are you wondering how this works? Well, by representing information visually with images, students are able to focus on meaning, reorganize and group similar ideas easily, and utilize their visual memory to learn. If you find it easier to understand something if it is in a diagram or with the use of graphics, you are probably a visual learner.
With social learners, it’s all about interaction. It has been shown that these individuals work best when they participate in study activities with other people such as quizzing each other or having a study group. Additionally, other techniques such as meetings, peer reviewing and workshops are great assets to social learners. This makes a lot of sense as social learners thrive when around people. Consequently, their learning styles involve sharing their knowledge with others but also listening to their peers. Does this sound like you?
Logical Learners aim to understand the reasoning behind things. While studying, logical learners aim to use lists and statistics to truly grasp concepts. So, individuals who enjoy using their brains for logical and mathematical reasoning, you’re said to be a logical learner. In addition to what we already mentioned, you easily recognize patterns and can connect seemingly meaningless concepts easily. Logical learners often lean towards classifying and grouping information to help them further understand it. It makes perfect sense that you as a logical learner excel in numbers and are fine with doing complex calculations such as basic trigonometry off the top of your head!
Physical (Kinesthetic)
Physical Learners are all about touch and movement. These individuals prefer physical techniques to help them learn how things work and why. Flashcards are a great technique to help physical learners study because although it’s technically a visual aid, touching and moving the cards is physical. Those who have a preference for kinesthetic learning are called ‘do-ers and much prefer hands-on learning. If you are a person who enjoys moving a lot especially while studying then perhaps you are a physical learner.