Make Sure The Design And Decor Connect
There is nothing worse than entering a room and not knowing where to look first. If this is the case it simply means that the decor within the space does not have a focal point. Now, this is for sure a problem on its own. This kind of setting can leave anyone confused and completely overwhelmed, so you really want to make sure the design and decor connect at one point or even in a number of ways.

Make Sure The Design And Decor Connect
A Little Too Modern
When it comes to decorating a home, it can sometimes be difficult to know the difference between outdated and too modern. A gorgeous, modern look is great for your home, but it’s not really a good idea to go too far with everything. It is a much better plan is to mix the decor up a bit since this will give your space a more diverse look. Besides that, we are quite certain that not everyone will feel comfortable using a “transparent” toilet!

A Little Too Modern