12 Easy Ways to Avoid Student Loan Debt

Published on 11/23/2016


Grants are a huge help, unlike scholarships, a grant is based on your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and financial need. If your family makes under a certain amount per year or your family falls into a certain bracket, this grant is a life saver. Schools give grants to the students who need them most and if you apply early so fill out your free application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible. There are all kinds of grants out there, you’re bound to be eligible for one of them.




Consider a community college

I proudly went to a community college before throwing on my big girl pants and jetting off to a four-year school to get my bachelor’s. And let me tell you, best decision I ever made. First of all, while at community college, you’re earning credits that will transfer and apply toward your bachelor’s. Some community colleges and big universities have direct programs that allow for an easy transition, so that way while in community college, you know exactly which credits will transfer over. Plus, community college will save you so much money. On average, a community college costs about $3,500 for tuition and fees while a university is about $32,000. You can also get grants and scholarships at a community college so that will only end up saving you money in the long run. And it will help you get familiar with what college life is all about so you’re more prepared when you do go get your bachelor’s. Have I convinced you yet?

Consider A Community College

Consider A Community College