20 Cleaning Life Hacks That Students Will LOVE!

Published on 12/04/2016

Organize your beer fridge with binder clips.

Throw open the garage doors and head on over to the reliable beer fridge. Looks like a mess in there, doesn’t it? Every time we have a party we end up with a ton of stray bottles that don’t match any boxes. Get those beers in formation by stacking them on their sides and keeping them in place with a binder clip.

Organize Your Beer Fridge With Binder Clips

Organize Your Beer Fridge With Binder Clips


Clean your microwave with vinegar.

The communal microwave isn’t exactly something you should look forward to cooking in. Still, you need to keep it clean or else face the wrath of those pest control companies knocking down your door. Put a small bowl of vinegar into your microwave and let it run for about a minute. When it stops you should be able to wipe the walls clean in a single swipe. Best part? This cleaning fix won’t require you to call an electrician because you burnt half the kitchen down!

Clean Your Microwave With Vinegar

Clean Your Microwave With Vinegar