Secrets You Definitely Didn’t Know About Walt Disney

Published on 01/09/2017

While Walt Disney himself is no longer with us, he has left behind an incredible and lasting memory. There are many cartoons and amusement parks that wouldn’t be what they are today if it wasn’t for him and his mind, his pure imagination. However there are a few lingering secrets out there about the man behind the Mouse, just take a look at these secrets and you’ll see what we mean.

That’s Quite the Hot Dog

Disney really loved hot dogs, in fact he really loved them that he even mirrored that love in the character of Mickey Mouse. Mickey’s first words in the film Karnival Kid in 1929 were “Hot dog!”. Which are the very first words to have ever be spoken by an animated character.

One Heck Of A Hot Dog

That’s Quite the Hot Dog


Disney Did The UnDoable

Back then, Disney held an exclusive contract with technicolor, and he was the only one that was allowed to make animated films in color for the first couple of years during the 1930s. This gave him a major advantage over his competitors. Nothing anyone would have to worry about in today’s century.

Disney Did The UnDoable

Disney Did The UnDoable