Did You Know That Petroleum Jelly Can Solve So Many Household Problems?

Published on 09/10/2020

Stop Your Lipstick From Sticking To Your Teeth

If you wear lipstick, we bet that this has happened to you in the past. Have you ever realized that the pretty red color has stained your teeth? It sucks when this happens in the middle of a conversation. This can be prevented with the help of Vaseline. You just have to add a thin layer of petroleum jelly to your teeth before you apply the lipstick. The truth is that beauty queens have always relied on this little trick!

Stop Your Lipstick From Sticking To Your Teeth

Stop Your Lipstick From Sticking To Your Teeth


How To Deal With Stuck Drawers

There is nothing as frustrating as dealing with a stuck drawer when you need something inside of it. We are glad to tell you that petroleum jelly is helpful in this scenario. You only have to add a little of it to the bottom of the drawer. This is going to lubricate it so that it will slide open right away. You can also use Vaseline on other similar objects such as lids, hinges, and rings.

How To Deal With Stuck Drawers

How To Deal With Stuck Drawers