30+ Funny Bumper Stickers: Honk If You’re Laughing

Published on 06/13/2024

Stay Back

Staying at a safe distance is a rule that should be followed. Keep your distance from items that have been processed. Maintain a safe distance from persons who are harmful. Maintain a safe distance from lions that are hungry. You see? It’s pretty much common sense! The same logic applies to the way you travel to and from work every day, and this bumper sticker is a wonderful way to remind yourself of that. Staying put is all that is required of you. Once both of you have exited your separate vehicles, you are free to embrace whoever this person is.

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Stay Back


Driving up the Wall

To put it another way, there are those who wear their emotions on their sleeve, and there are others who put them on the back of their car. In the same manner as the individual who affixed this sticker on the rear of their Subaru. Their heart appears to be a rainbow of colors, and they appear to be lacking in some driving skills. And despite the fact that we have nothing negative to say about the rainbow nation, we believe that the other problem might be solved by spending a few of hours with a knowledgeable driving coach.

Driving Up The Wall

Driving Up The Wall