30+ Funny Bumper Stickers: Honk If You’re Laughing

Published on 06/13/2024

Philosophy 101

The body that is currently inhabiting the reborn soul of Plato must be the owner of this automobile. Simply put, in this day and age, there is no one who chooses to major in philosophy, so he was forced to condense his lessons into a single bumper sticker and hope for the best. We do have a few more questions to ask, despite the fact that all of these are very critical questions. Do you even believe that time exists? Or, if money is nothing more than a collection of statistics that are displayed on a computer at a bank, then aren’t we all already slaves to machines?

Philosophy 101

Philosophy 101


Kitties By Cray

Cats are like no other pet in the world. They are typically characterized as being mean-spirited jerks who consider you to be nothing more than the hairless ape that fills their food bowl. This is the traditional definition of their personality features. Contrary to popular belief, the cat that resides in this driver’s home is anything from typical. On account of the fact that she refuses to continue taking her medication, the proprietor believed that it would be prudent to warn people about her. If she does not have opposable thumbs, then the only thing that remains unanswered is how she manages to operate a gun.

Kitties By Cray

Kitties By Cray