These Are Hilarious Moments Captured At Disneyland

Published on 12/10/2020

Taylor Swift And Her Bodyguard

There’s something so fun about seeing celebrities take advantage of what Disney parks have, like we just said. Taylor Swift herself went with her bodyguard and a couple of friends to Disneyland. Many of the roller coasters there are fitted with photo cameras. Although the pop star is enjoying the trip with her friends, her bodyguard doesn’t seem to find it all that thrilling. Clearly, the turns, twists, and drops on this roller coaster do not impress him!

Taylor Swift And Her Bodyguard

Taylor Swift And Her Bodyguard


Enjoying Magic Kingdom

Doug the Pug isn’t a service dog, but he’s still fortunate enough to be able to drop by Disney World. As part of an attempt to promote the park’s Instagram profile, the social media phenomenon pug had a blast at the Magic Kingdom. It’s no wonder that Disney was prepared to bend this internet celebrity’s rule. He has 3,8 million followers on Instagram and 2,79 million fans on Facebook. Who needs influencers, don’t they?

Enjoying Magic Kingdom

Enjoying Magic Kingdom