Passing Through
Oh boy. Can you picture preparing your proposal and for this to occur at the end? You’ve purchased tickets to her favorite spot on the planet, and you buy an expensive bracelet. You overcome your nerves and ask your mate, when the big moment happens, to take a shot. And sometimes something like that happens to you. We bet the photobomber didn’t realize he was just ruining anything valuable.
Super Smash Mountain
What do you do when your buddies want to go to Disneyland, but all you want to do is sit at home and play video games all day? Oh, you should try to make compromises. That means doing those two things at the same time for these dudes. If you find Splash Mountain boring, there’s always something else you can do to enjoy yourself, like taking a Gamecube and a monitor on the trip! We don’t know how these items were even brought over, so we’ll just enjoy the photo.