45+ Films That Are Perfectly Created

Published on 11/21/2020

There Will Be Blood

In this late 19th-century film, Paul Thomas Anderson shines a light on people’s greed for money and oil. Stars Daniel Day-Lewis and Paul Dano are fighting with each other because of who will have oil control. The movie takes a poke at American capitalism and unknowingly does the greed-driven things people do.

There Will Be Blood

There Will Be Blood


John Wick

John Wick is a perfectly made film that made the Keanu Reeves star train for eight hours every day for four months, five days a week, to do his best. This film has a background that can’t be found elsewhere; it’s more than a man who goes on murder after his dog’s murder. The dog was the last thing that connected him with his late wife. This film has feelings behind it that can only be described by watching the film.

John Wick

John Wick