These Flight Attendants Just Told Us All The Secrets Of Flying

Published on 10/02/2018

Perks Of Seniority

A flight attendant aspiring for those years of seniority isn’t just looking for the perks in choosing routes and days traveling. The truth is that having seniority as a flight member mean that they can choose if they want to sleep in the top or lower bunk, which floor their bed is on, the noise level of their bunk location, and whether they will be close to stairwells or not. You can tell the seniority of a female crew member by looking at her skirt length. After the six month probation period, they can shorten their skirt’s length.

Perks Of Seniority

Perks Of Seniority


You Never Felt Extreme Turbulence

Did you know that over 2 million people fly per day in America? The next time you’re shaking in your seat from turbulence, know this: only three people have died from turbulence since 1980! If you’re wondering if it was preventable, it totally was: they weren’t wearing their seat belts. There are only 300 serious turbulence injuries since the 80’s, and many of them were due to not having a fastened seat belt. Additionally, there’s a greater risk of items falling from overhead bins than the turbulence itself injuring you. For flight attendants, if things in overhead bins fall onto them, their company won’t consider it an on-duty injury unless the turbulence is considered extreme. That only happens when the pilot loses control of the aircraft or the airplane takes on structural damage.

You Never Felt Extreme Turbulence

You Never Felt Extreme Turbulence