These Flight Attendants Just Told Us All The Secrets Of Flying

Published on 10/02/2018


The media portrays the life of a flight attendant as glamorous, fun, and easy. Of course, the media does not portray occupations very accurately. While flight attendants do get to travel, the elite, rich lifestyle is not exactly true. While salary varies across companies, most salaries vary between $38,000 to $48,000 a year.




Private Flights Don’t Mean Better Passengers

A flight attendant who chooses private work will not necessarily have better behaved or friendlier passengers than those on commercial flights. Stefany DiManno Ceccato, founder of DMC Travel Tailor, talked about her experience as a flight attendant for private or corporate passengers. She said, “I once had a passenger stick his finger up his nose and pick it while I was asking him a question! He also happens to be a celebrity in the news right now for making advances at women in the film industry.”

Private Flights Dont Mean Better Passengers

Private Flights Don’t Mean Better Passengers