These Flight Attendants Just Told Us All The Secrets Of Flying

Published on 10/02/2018

Shades Up

Have you ever been annoyed when fight attendants ask you to open your window shades? Well, make sure you open them because flight attendant Annette Long said, “According to my training, the emergency-exit shades have to be up because flight attendants are required to assess the conditions outside before they open the door. If there’s fire, deep water, or rocks outside that exit, that would make it unsafe for us to go through there, and the flight attendant would have to make that determination fairly quickly.”

Shades Up

Shades Up


Standby Flight Attendants

Flying can be stressful, but there’s less to worry about if you’re flying from a major airline’s hub. Before every flight, all crew members let the airline know if they’re prepared for the flight in a “pre-flight check in.” If the flight attendant doesn’t show up for their shift, you are in luck! At an airline’s hub, there are standby flight attendants there to step in for this exact reason. These reserve flight attendants and crew members are sometimes waiting to be called from the crew lounge, and other times, they live close to the hub and are at home, waiting to be called in.

Standby Flight Attendants

Standby Flight Attendants