These Flight Attendants Just Told Us All The Secrets Of Flying

Published on 10/02/2018

In Case Of Medical Emergency

If you’ve ever been in the unfortunate situation where a crew member announces over the PA: “Is there a doctor on board?” you know someone’s medical emergency just got real. Don’t worry too much, though; flight attendants are trained in the Heimlich maneuver and CPR, and on flights with over 30 passengers, there’s a defibrillator stored on the plane. Pilots also have the authority to decide if it’s necessary to land the airplane for a medical emergency.

In Case Of Medical Emergency

In Case Of Medical Emergency


Limit How Cozy You Get

For those longer flights, we hope you remembered to pack that vital neck pillow and some games and movies on your iPad, but whatever you do, don’t take off your shoes! The recycled air on the plane means that your smelly socks scent travels throughout the entire plane, irritating those sensitive olfactory nerves of all the passengers…and also getting on their other nerves, too. As if the air pressure blocking everyone’s ear drugs wasn’t enough, let’s not add some stinky socks to the list of annoyances.

Limit How Cozy You Get

Limit How Cozy You Get