These Are The Women That Helped Establish Fox News In The Industry

Published on 09/30/2020

Judith Miller

Judith Miller is an American journalist and commentator known for her coverage of Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction program both before and after the 2003 invasion, which was later discovered to have been based on inaccurate information from the intelligence community. She worked for the New York Times bureau in Washington D.C. before joining Fox in 2008. As a victim of the 2001 anthrax attacks, she wrote the book called Germs: Biological Weapons & America’s Secret War.

Judith Miller

Judith Miller


Nicole Saphier

Dr. Nicole Saphier is an American radiologist and the director of breast imaging at Memorial Sloan Kettering Monmouth. She is well known for providing her medical expertise as a contributor on Fox News, Fox Business, and MSNBC. She is a board member of the Morris Township Board of Health, as well as the Radiological Society of New Jersey. She has also written a book called “Make America Healthy Again: How Bad Behavior and Big Government Caused a Trillion-Dollar Crisis”

Nicole Saphier

Nicole Saphier