Facts You Might Not Know About The First POTUS George Washington

Published on 01/21/2020

Mules Over Horses

Did you know that George Washington was passionate about mules? A lot of plantation owners think that horses are the best when it comes to farm work, but he thought differently. Remember, he studied agriculture and arrived at the conclusion that mules were best-suited for farm labor. He said that they were stronger and had better endurance than horses. On top of this, they consumed a third less food, had less maintenance costs, and needed less water.

Mules Over Horses

Mules Over Horses


No Cherry Tree

As a Founding Father and the first President of the United States, it is not surprising to hear that people want to learn more about George Washington. Mason Locke was among the first ones to pen a biography about the iconic man. In 1800, he released a book called The Life of Washington, which went on to become a bestseller. However, Locke made up a story about the president damaging a cherry tree in his youth. The story goes that upon confessing that he was responsible for this, his father approved of his truthfulness and integrity and did not punish him. Yes, this was completely made up and has since been repeated countless times.

No Cherry Tree

No Cherry Tree