Facts You Might Not Know About The First POTUS George Washington

Published on 01/21/2020

Fox Hunting Fan

Washington owned lots of land around the Mount Vernon estate. He liked to invite friends and neighbors to participate in fox hunting. During the fall and winter, he would often get on his horse and bring his foxhound dogs to the fields, woods, and streams on the property. During the 18th century, fox hunting was popular among men and called for stylish attire. The hunter had to be a good rider as well. In case you wanted to know, George Washington liked to jump the horses over fallen logs and streams.

Fox Hunting Fan

Fox Hunting Fan


Only Hunted Foxes

Washington loved nothing better than the thrill of fox hunting, which includes horsemanship and the chase. He detailed his hunting days in his journal, of course. One of the things that he wrote about was that they never killed foxes after pursuing them. They only chased the creatures across the property, pinned them in a corner, and ultimately left them in peace before heading back to the house. He had no desire to kill the fox as he only liked the chase.

Only Hunted Foxes

Only Hunted Foxes