How To Use Regular Household Items To Make Life Easier

Published on 09/25/2019

Strain Your Food With Tights

Sometimes, you need something that can strain food better than the average strainer. Well, grab a pair of tights which you do not use anymore, or some new ones, and start straining the food that you want. The holes in the garment are so small that food particles cannot escape out.

Strain Your Food With Tights

Strain Your Food With Tights


Groom Your Eyebrows With A Toothbrush

In addition to brushing your teeth, the toothbrush can be used for other things like grooming your eyebrows. Just make sure you use a spare toothbrush, not a used one – that is unsanitary. It should be cheaper than buying an eyebrow brush. Definitely a win-win.

Groom Brows With A Toothbrush

Groom Eyebrows With A Toothbrush