The Unbelievable Happened When A Pack Of Huskies Adopted This Helpless Kitten

Published on 05/21/2020

Rosie And Lilo

As you can see, Rosie is not like your average cat by any means. She loves dogs despite the fact that she is not supposed to. Aside from that, she is not scared of the water like most animals from her species are! She once joined the family on a boating trip and did not seem to mind. “We go on a lot of road trips, and we recently took Rosie kayaking and paddle-boating with us,” Thoa told ABC News. “She’s not afraid at all, and as long as Lilo is there, she knows everything is going to be OK.” Let us see how the cat has reacted to the other rescues that Thoa has brought home.

Rosie And Lilo

Rosie And Lilo


Paying It Forward

Rosie needed to toughen up because she had to survive on the cold streets of San Jose on her own for a little while. It is a good thing that she has softened up thanks to the love that Lilo has shown her. She “pays that forward” every chance that she gets. Whenever Thoa brings rescues to the house, Rosie makes sure to help her look after the poor animals. Isn’t that the most adorable thing you have heard?

Paying It Forward

Paying It Forward