The Unbelievable Happened When A Pack Of Huskies Adopted This Helpless Kitten

Published on 05/21/2020

She Is Now A House Cat

As Sansa grew stronger, she started to get into the role of a house cat. She got to know the finer things that life has to offer. She played with cardboard box mazes and played with random trinkets at the house. She also got to know how to use a litter box. Even though most kittens do not learn how to use one until they are three months old, Alan decided to buy one for her earlier on.

She Is Now A House Cat

She Is Now A House Cat


Now Playing Around

When kittens grow older, they start to scratch, bounce, bite, and stalk. Sansa had no siblings around, which meant that Alan was her only target. To be specific, his hand was her main opponent. At first, it made for cute photo opportunities. This stopped when her claws and teeth grew. “She [began] to bite me,” he explained to his friends on Imgur. “Need a way to stop [her] from doing that.”

Now Playing Around

Now Playing Around