The Quest To Look For An Accurate Portrayal Of Jesus Christ

Published on 08/19/2020

The Tunics Are Not Long

When Joan took a look at the artifacts from that era, she learned that the average man donned a tunic. However, it was considerably shorter than the ones shown in the various portrayals of Christ! The men from that period wore a knee-length tunic and nothing longer. The length allowed them flexibility when they went about their work. Any longer than that and their movements would have been restricted by the hemline! All things considered, that would have been very impractical.

The Tunics Are Not Long

The Tunics Are Not Long


Only Upper-Class Can Wear Full-Length Robes

Joan also learned more about the classes of people during that period of time. Many members of the upper class would don full-length robes or cloaks. This was a way to flaunt their social status since they did not have to perform manual and physical labor. The historian used this piece of information to support her conclusion about the appearance of the Messiah. As a modest man, it was very unlikely that Jesus Christ would have been wearing something like that!

Only Upper Class Can Wear Full Length Robes

Only Upper Class Can Wear Full-Length Robes