Mars: the most astonishing and captivating images from the Red Planet

Published on 01/02/2024

It looks like a gigantic hairy spider, but..

What is it with Mars and spiders? We’re beginning to think there are hordes of these creatures lurking beneath the surface of the Red Planet. We don’t know which is worse – a bunch of little spiders or a gigantic hairy spider, to which people have compared this discovery. It was apparently captured by the European Space Agency in 2021. Scientists say that while it may look like a spider, it’s really just a smeared pattern created by a ton of dust devils. Apparently, as many as thousands of dust devils could have formed in this area and created the pattern you see here. Although they look blue, they’re actually dark red on the surface.

Cela Ressemble À Une Gigantesque Araignée Velue Mais…

It Looks Like A Gigantic Hairy Spider But…


Like a pouting face

It seems we’re beginning to wonder whether these alleged faces on the surface of Mars are nothing more than the product of pareidolia. It’s conceivable that someone could see a face where there isn’t one, once or twice, but now it almost seems to be getting out of hand. However, despite appearances, it’s important to note that these rock formations are in no way intentionally designed to resemble human beings. The following unusual sight was captured by the Curiosity rover in 2016 and is nicknamed by some a “kiss.” This designation derives from the light and shadow effect that seems to reveal a face with a pinched eye, nose and lips. It’s likely that if this rock were viewed from a different angle, it would take on a very different appearance.

Comme Un Visage Qui Fait La Moue

Comme Un Visage Qui Fait La Moue