Mars: the most astonishing and captivating images from the Red Planet

Published on 01/02/2024

One of Mars’ rocks named after NASA engineer who died suddenly

The process of developing a vehicle capable of exploring another planet without a human presence is a complex task. However, the fruits of this labor are the possibility of discovering extraordinary landscapes on another planet. However, there are moments of sadness, as in the case of Jacob Matijevic, who sadly passed away just a few days after the Curiosity rover landed on Mars. Matijevic had played a crucial role in the creation of the rover, which made his loss all the more devastating. In tribute to his memory, NASA has chosen to name a pyramidal rock in his honor. The rock was discovered in Gale Crater in September 2012 and measures around 16 inches wide and almost 10 inches high. It is described as an igneous rock rich in elements coherent with feldspar.

Une Des Roches De Mars A Été Nommée D'après Un Ingénieur De La NASA Décédé Subitement

One Of Mars Rocks Named After NASA Engineer Who Died Suddenly


Could it be a squirrel?

For years, we’ve speculated that any form of life on Mars would bear some resemblance to humanoids, at least in terms of size. However, it’s conceivable that the hypothetical Martians might actually be much smaller. They may even resemble creatures we already know on Earth. Is it too bold to suggest that Martians could possibly look like, or even be, squirrels? The question emerges because of the following unusual photo of Mars. In 2012, the Curiosity rover apparently captured an image where you’d think you’d see a squirrel hidden among a collection of rocks. If squirrels lived on the Red Planet, this would be a major scientific discovery. However, despite appearances, as much as it might look like a squirrel, it’s simply a rock.

Serait Ce Un Écureuil ?

Could This Be A Squirrel?