Mars: the most astonishing and captivating images from the Red Planet

Published on 01/02/2024

A strong resemblance to a brachiosaurus

Aliens aren’t the only entities some people dream of meeting. Dinosaurs have been the subject of intense interest for many years, and enthusiasts of these creatures have always been disappointed never to have seen them in person. However, even if we haven’t been able to see them alive, fossil bones have enabled us to imagine what these animals looked like, and so we can establish a certain resemblance to this rock. In April 2021, NASA’s Perseverance rover captured an image of a rock with a shape strikingly similar to that of a brachiosaurus. However, this discovery in no way suggests that dinosaurs walked on Mars in the same way as they did on Earth. While to some, dinosaurs may seem as strange as aliens, there is no evidence to suggest that they were capable of traveling between planets.

Une Forte Ressemblance Avec Un Brachiosaure

A Strong Resemblance To A Brachiosaurus


A bias in the Star Wars versus Star Trek debate

The debate over the superiority between ‘Star Wars’ and ‘Star Trek’ has been a feud between fans of both franchises for many decades. There’s no denying that ‘Star Wars’ and ‘Star Trek’ each have their merits and demerits, deserving of the praise they receive. However, it would seem that the debate has come to an end, thanks to an unexpected intervention from Mars. It seems that the Red Planet has officially declared its allegiance to ‘Star Trek’ by displaying the series’ famous logo on its surface. The image was reportedly captured by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and revealed in 2019, much to the delight of many fans. After all, when a planet takes a stand in a science fiction debate, it can’t be ignored, can it?

Un Parti Pris Dans Le Débat Entre Star Wars Et Star Trek

A Bias In The Debate Between Star Wars And Star Trek