Mars: the most astonishing and captivating images from the Red Planet

Published on 01/02/2024

The Reveal

The astronauts thought hard about what exactly they were looking at… until the station’s orbit allowed them to get a clearer look. It was a massive erupting volcano! In the harrowing image, the immense power of an eruption can be seen. Few other photos have ever shown something like this.

The Reveal

The Reveal


A Potential Threat

The volcanic eruption may have been a false alarm in the “lives in danger” kind of way, but the International Space Station is being used by NASA to watch out for any threats coming from outer space. Not extraterrestrials, of course. At least, that is what we know. NASA is looking out for asteroids and other debris from space which could potentially endanger Earth.

A Potential Threat

A Potential Threat