Mars: the most astonishing and captivating images from the Red Planet

Published on 01/02/2024

The face of Mahatma Gandhi

There appear to have been several incidents in which people have claimed to have seen faces on the surface of Mars. Another such case occurred in 2009, during the launch of Google Mars, a mapping program that uses satellite images collected by space agencies to enable users to explore the planet. Using this platform, Matteo Ianneo ended up discovering what appeared to be the face of Mahatma Gandhi. At least, that’s what he saw, as did several other people, when they observed this formation on the planet’s surface. The resemblance to a human facial profile is undeniable, explaining why people have made a connection with Gandhi. However, this is simply a case of pareidolia, a phenomenon where people see faces where they don’t actually exist

Le Visage De Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi’s Face


It looks like a floating spoon

An additional indicator that could suggest the past or present presence of life on Mars would be the discovery of tools or utensils. If NASA or other space agencies were to find objects resembling cutlery on the Red Planet, it would be hard to argue with the possible existence of life. So why isn’t this photograph recognized as convincing evidence? Unfortunately, the apparent spoon in this image is actually a rock formation. It’s a rather unusual rock formation, as it appears to float above the ground. This is due to the different gravity of Mars, which allows fragile formations to resist better than on Earth.

Cela Ressemble À Une Cuillère Flottante

It Looks Like A Floating Spoon