Here’s The History Of Our Unsung Heroes – The Nurses

Published on 07/12/2020

Post-Anesthesia Care Unit Nurse

These healthcare nurses deal with patients as they regain consciousness after surgery. The reaction when waking up from anesthesia can vary- some people wake up confused, some in pain, and others may have different side effects or reactions due to chronic illnesses. PACU nurses are there to comfort and direct a patient after surgery, they soothe and guide the patient as they regain consciousness. Anesthesia can be a scary thing and their presence is usually a major aspect upon awakening.

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Post-Anesthesia Care Unit Nurse


Nursing Assistant

Usually referred to as CNA’s, nursing assistants work with patients under the supervision and guidance of other specialized nursing staff. These nurses provide a more personal aspect of the job as they help patients bathe, dress, go to the bathroom and often even eat. The position of nursing assistant is more for someone who is unsure about becoming a nurse and is looking to experience the field before entering it and studying the necessary tracks.

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Nursing Assistant