These Comparisons Are Going To Show You That Perspective Really Is Everything

Published on 03/22/2021

The State Of The Arctic A Hundred Years Ago vs. Now

The arctic used to be super cold and brimming with ice. Above it, the sky tended to be gloomy and foggy. It goes without saying that the water body has always been this way. However, it might surprise you once you hear how much has changed. First of all, it is not quite as icy as it used to be. Much of the ice has dissolved over the years. On top of that, the sky has brightened, while the water body is no longer considered icy. This is proof that global warming has done a real number on our planet.

The Condition Of The Arctic A Century Ago And Now

The State Of The Arctic A Hundred Years Ago vs. Now


The Real Height Of The David By Michelangelo

We are sure that you have at least seen a photo of this statue in the past. This is the famous David! It has been featured in several movies and TV shows in the past. Did you have any idea that it is much bigger than any human? The piece by Michelangelo is around 17 feet high. This means that it is around three or so times taller than the average person. As you can see, you need some leverage if you want to access the top. Restorers have to use elevated mounts to get up close and personal with it.

The Real Height Of The Famous Statue Of David

The Real Height Of The David By Michelangelo