Worst To Best Presidents In History Of America

Published on 12/29/2020

28. Richard Nixon (1969-1974)

Nixon is rated extremely low for moral authority, which drags his high ratings in international relations down. His achievements included ending the draft, new anti-crime initiatives, and environmental protection policies. He negotiated arms control with Russia and, with communist China, made a diplomatic breakthrough. But the triumphs of Nixon were overshadowed by the Watergate scandal, which stemmed from a break-in during his reelection campaign at the Democratic National Committee’s offices. Nixon became the first U.S. President to resign on Aug. 9, 1974.

28. Richard Nixon

28. Richard Nixon


27. Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929)

Coolidge is poorly rated for crisis leadership and failing to work for all Americans for equal justice. He refused to use the country’s economic boom to help struggling farmers and workers in other flailing industries.

27. Calvin Coolidge

27. Calvin Coolidge