The Dark and Somber Fates of ‘The Little Rascals’ Cast

Published on 02/11/2020

George ‘Spanky’ McFarland’s

Even though he pretty much retired from acting not long after appearing on Our Gang, Spanky still returned to the screen before he passed. It was in a small role, however. At the end of the episode “George Gets an Election,” Spanky gets spotted by Cliff and Norm drinking alone at the bar. Cliff approaches Sparky while whistling the theme song from The Little Rascals before telling him how much he looks like the character. Before George can tell him he is, in fact, Spanky, Cliff cuts him off while ranting about how he’s such a fan of the series. After Cliff leaves, Norm asks if George is Spanky. McFarland says “Oh yes,” and gives Spanky’s signature nod.

George ‘Spanky’ McFarland’s

George ‘Spanky’ McFarland’s


Jay ‘Pinky’ Smith

After Mickey Daniels grew out of his role, Jay Smith replaced him as the freckle-faced kid. “Pinky” made his first appearance in Boys Will Be Joys. The actor didn’t adapt well to the non-silent movie and ended up quitting acting immediately after his role on Our Gang. He switched careers and started his paint shop in Hawaii, where he lived for years. In the early 1990s, he moved to Nevada. In 2002, however, he went missing. His body was found several days later. A homeless man Smith had supposedly befriended was convicted of the murder and sentenced to two consecutive life sentences in prison. Smith was 87 years old.

Jay ‘Pinky’ Smith

Jay ‘Pinky’ Smith