50+ Photos Of Our Favorite Athletes Of All Time

Published on 03/05/2021

Ron Turcotte Aboard Secretariat

The Belmont Stakes was held on June 9, 1973. During the Belmont Stakes, Ron Turcotte, riding Secretariat, takes a quick glance over his shoulder at his rivals. Secretariat went on to win by 31 lengths in 2:24, the quickest time and greatest margin of victory in the race’s history. We guess he needn’t have looked back!

Ron Turcotte Aboard Secretariat

Ron Turcotte Aboard Secretariat


Leon Spinks

It was on 15 February 1978 that Leon Spinks, noted for his gap-toothed grin, defeated Muhammad Ali in a 15-round decision, claiming the heavyweight title in only his ninth professional bout. It was the world’s fastest ascent. He does seem rather chuffed with himself, doesn’t he? So he should! Simply amazing.

Leon Spinks

Leon Spinks