Go Through Your Garage Now Because These Vinyl Records Will Fetch You A Good Amount Of Money

Published on 03/01/2020

Steel City Connection, Dansation/Steel City Disco (1978)

Nowadays, this vinyl can sell for around $885. Compared to the amount someone would be willing to pay for it when released in 1978, that’s a massive paycheck! The songs on this album became huge hits, making sense seeing how much the album is worth today.

Steel City Connection Dansation, Steel City Disco

Steel City Connection, Dansation/Steel City Disco (1978)


Thrillers/Delta Cats, Last Dance/Unworthy Baby (1968)

This album was released by Blue Cat Records back in 1968. Now? It’s being sold for over $1,000 apiece! Delta Cats and Trillers are both UK groups with extensive fan bases. In fact, their fans aren’t just from the UK. They have plenty of international fans as well.

Thrillers Delta Cats, Last Dance Unworthy Baby

Thrillers/Delta Cats, Last Dance/Unworthy Baby (1968)