Her Ultrasound Showed Something Unexpected

Published on 12/15/2019

Emergency Surgery

Due to the complexity of Keely’s cyst, it was only normal that a high-risk obstetrics specialist be referred and asked to operate. The doctors went through the steps of the procedure and explained how they would make an incision from the top of her sternum all the way to the pelvic bone, this incision was used previously when C-sections were performed. It was large.

Emergency Surgery

Emergency Surgery


March 9th, 2017

In the blink of an eye the day had come about. As she arrived at the hospital a nurse guided her and handed her a gown and socks in which she had to change into. She was terribly anxious, shaky, and worried, Keely was afraid of needles. Many people are very worried about the anesthetic and going under the knife.

March 9th, 2017

March 9th, 2017