Her Ultrasound Showed Something Unexpected

Published on 12/15/2019

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Just a short four days later and Keely was given the go-ahead to go home. With her boyfriend and mother by her side, she was all set for recovery on the outside. As scared as Keely was she knew that she was stronger than ever and was excited to begin this new chapter. Keely explained how she can no longer remember what life was like with all that extra weight holding her back. The only downside was a small complication that happened during the surgery…

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Her Reminder

Keely has been left with constant reminders of this readful time, although she is grateful to be happy and healthy. She has a scar the size of a ruler all the way down her mid-section, as well a stretch marks around her abdomen. Keely made a fast recovery and was out and about very soon after the surgery took place. However, during surgery Keely had lost her right ovary…

Her Reminder

Her Reminder