The 12 Types Of Professors You’ll Definitely Have In College

Published on 11/24/2016

The $elf Promoter

Make up your mind, professor, we just can’t take it anymore! I mean, first, she has the audacity to roast other textbook authors like they’re a bunch of morons. Then she comes out with her own book and assures you it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread, even though she’s actually raising the price of her own textbook ALL THE TIME. And how could we forget, every single semester she comes out with a new book and that’s the one you’re required to buy otherwise you’ll fail. So if you want to pass, actually read the darn book (whatever version she’s currently demanding).

The Elf Promoter

The $elf Promoter


The Really Nerdy Hunk

Gurl, you drooling. Yeah, we know, there’s always one super hunky professor that makes your heart flutter and your face blush. But uhh, don’t get any ideas or you’ll never pass that class. Here’s another handy tip, stop fantasizing about the man and pay attention. We know it’s hard but pull yourself together!

The Really Nerdy Hunk

The Really Nerdy Hunk