Top Tips On How To Prevent Kidney Disease To Live A Long Life

Published on 11/28/2019

Eat More Fruits And Veggies

Studies show that about 2.5 cups or five servings of fruits and veggies every day can reduce your risk for heart disease. 10 servings reduce your disease risk by 28 percent and your premature death risk by 31 percent.

Eat More Fruits And Veggies

Eat More Fruits And Veggies


Cut Back On The TV Binging

For 20 years, researchers studied 70,000 women and released their findings in 2015. At the start of the study, almost every woman suffered from heart disease or diabetes, but by the end, many of them were able to reduce their heart attack risk by 92 percent! They all limited their time for watching TV to seven hours a week. If you spend a lot of time watching TV, you spend less time exercising. Watching TV every day for four hours is actually worse than sitting all day at work.

Cut Back On TV Binging

Cut Back On TV Binging