Top Tips On How To Prevent Kidney Disease To Live A Long Life

Published on 11/28/2019


Dairy products contain different vitamins, nutrients, and minerals, including phosphorus, potassium, and protein, but did you know that consuming too much dairy, especially with other foods rich in phosphorus can be bad for bone health in people who have kidney disease? When kidneys are damaged, they do not work properly, so too much consumption of phosphorus can cause buildup of the mineral in the blood. Over time, this makes bones thin and weak, increasing your risk for bone breakage or fracture. Alternatives for dairy, such as almond milk and unenriched rice milk, contain much lower amounts of phosphorus, potassium, and protein, which makes them good substitutes.




Strep Throat

When you have this specific infection, your body produces antibodies that fight it. Extra ones can settle in parts of your kidneys, which causes the organs to become inflamed. While it normally doesn’t last a long time, for some people, the kidney damage is permanent.

Strep Throat

Strep Throat