Mars: the most astonishing and captivating images from the Red Planet

Published on 01/02/2024

The ice-filled Korolev crater

We may not know if there’s life on Mars, but water is another story. It’s not that long since we learned this revelation, with new discoveries emerging over the years. For example, in 2020, it was confirmed that there were apparently several large saltwater lakes around the planet’s south pole. They are under the ice, however. This combination of water and ice makes for spectacular views, like this one at Korolev Crater. Throughout the year, this crater is apparently home to a 1.1-mile-thick mountain of water ice. It stays here because the crater acts as a cold trap, with the position of the ice creating a protective layer of cold air.

Le Cratère Korolev Rempli De Glace

Korolev Crater Filled With Ice


A perplexing rock

We know that Mars is home to some oddly-shaped rocks. However, it’s not always the shape that makes a rock on the Red Planet remarkable. Sometimes, it’s the simple fact that they look so different from what we’re used to that makes them remarkable. After all, would you expect to encounter something like this on Earth? The rock is said to have been photographed by NASA’s Perseverance rover in March 2021, becoming one of its first major discoveries. People aren’t exactly sure what it is, whether it’s a piece of weathered rock or something that came loose from an impact event. There’s a chance it could be a meteorite, which would be pretty incredible.

Un Rocher Qui Laisse Vraiment Perplexe

A Rock That Really Leaves One Puzzled