Here Are The Cities In America With The Most Number Of Obese

Published on 11/25/2020

Mississippi – 37.3% Obesity Rate

Mississippi had many tasty but not nutritious foods like a mud pie, blue crab, and many more. The state had also gained the top rank obesity rate of adults in the US, 37.3%, and it was the state that had the highest rate in the country. 1.5 million people living in the state were obese or overweight. It might be the biggest problem that public health in Mississippi was facing.

Mississippi – 37.3% Obesity Rate

Mississippi – 37.3% Obesity Rate


West Virginia – 38.1% Obesity Rate

The rate in West Virginia was 38.1%, which we could say that the state had to face a massive problem with obesity. According to the Health and Human Services division of the state, “One of the most serious public health concerns facing [the] state today.” The authorities had spent $1.4 to $1.8 billion for medical fees. Obesity made people unproductive, and because of obese workers, employers lost $506 per year.

West Virginia – 38.1% Obesity Rate

West Virginia – 38.1% Obesity Rate