Here Are The Cities In America With The Most Number Of Obese

Published on 11/25/2020

Indiana – 33.6% Obesity Rate

In the year 2013, people who were overweight became 31% in this state, and this year, it became 33.6%. According to Trust for America’s Health director, “The state really needs to step back and say ‘what can we do more of, what evidence-based programs do we need to put in place, and what is a more comprehensive approach to obesity prevention that we need to embrace.”

Indiana – 33.6% Obesity Rate

Indiana – 33.6% Obesity Rate


Ohio – 33.8% Obesity Rate

The children aged 10 to 17 years old in Ohio were suffering the problem of being obese. One out of 6 children were categorized as overweight. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation was “optimistic” about the situation, and it would “turn the tide around.” In 2016, this state’s obesity rate decreased, but it only increased in an alarming value after some time.

Ohio – 33.8% Obesity Rate

Ohio – 33.8% Obesity Rate